Dear Colleague,

The ASTROVIRTEL Project, supported by the European Commission and managed by the ST-ECF on behalf of ESA and ESO, is aimed at enhancing the scientific return of the ST-ECF/ESO Archive. It offers the possibility to European Users to exploit it as a virtual telescope, retrieving and analysing large quantities of data with the assistance of archive operators and scientific personnel. The first two cycles of operation of the ASTROVIRTEL project are almost completed and some interesting results have already been achieved and published[see]

We are now announcing the Third Call for ASTROVIRTEL Proposals.
Detailed instructions for the submission of proposals can be found

Accessing Astronomical Archives as Virtual Telescopes
A Project supported by the European Commission
Access to Research Infrastructures
Action of the Improving Human Potential Programme

Tel: +49 89 32006291 Fax: +49 89 32006480 URL: