Extra RR Lyrae Stars in the Original Kepler Field of View

Extra RR Lyrae Stars in the Original Kepler Field of View

Ottó Hanyecz and Róbert Szabó

Our previous result from synthetic Galaxy models shows that there are many “hidden” RR Lyrae stars in the original Kepler field of view. We were informed about many candidate RR Lyrae stars in this area of the sky by the PlanetHunters community and professional astronomers. We extracted the light curves of these objects, removed the systematic trends, and analyzed the data. The final catalog of these extra RR Lyrae stars contains 23 newly discovered stars. Nearly half of the RRab type stars and one of the new RRc stars show the famous Blazhko modulation. This RRc star is the only modulated RRc star in the Kepler field of view. These extra RR Lyrae stars are mostly in the 14 − 17 magnitude range, which we expect from the Galaxy models. Finally, we discuss the properties of some stars of the new Kepler RR Lyrae sample.

Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, vol. 6, 124-128 (2018)

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