Poznań SST telescope
Poznań SST telescope
Krzysztof Kamiński, Edwin Wnuk, Mikołaj Krużyński, Monika K. Kamińskaand Justyna Gołębiewska
A project of building a cluster of optical telescopes dedicated to satellite and space debris tracking has been recently started in the Astronomical Observatory of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The instrument will be composed of 5 independent OTAs (optical tube assembly) ranging from 0.2 to 0.7m and will allow to collect hundred thousands of astrometric positions of Earth-orbiting targets per night. Fully robotic operation of the new telescope will include automatic decision making, based on changing weather conditions and observing alerts received, as well as automatic detection and identification of new objects with on-line re-scheduling of one of the telescopes for the follow up of new detections. Initial simulations show that it should be possible, weather permitting, to regularly update up to 4000 orbits of Earth-orbiting objects every night.
Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, vol. 7, 361-363 (2018)
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