Low-frequency spectra of nearby galaxies with LOFAR
Low-frequency spectra of nearby galaxies with LOFAR
Krzysztof T. Chyży, Wojciech Jurusik, Julia Piotrowska and Małgorzata Curyło
We explored low-frequency spectra of galaxies in a sample of objects of the Local Universe. From estimated 150 MHz fluxes from the LOFAR Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS) and fluxes at various frequencies obtained from the literature search we constructed integrated radio spectra of the sample of galaxies and looked for spectral flattenings and turnovers. We modelled thermal (free-free) absorption and deviations from a simple power-low synchrotron spectra and looked for evidences of cool ionized gas in these galaxies. Finally, we discussed how incoming LOFAR surveys will enable investigation of more distant universe and we put predictions on the shape of radio spectra of high-redshift galaxies.
Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, vol. 7, 43-47 (2018)
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