Dark energy at cosmological and astrophysical scales: theoretical models and observational tests
Dark energy at cosmological and astrophysical scales: theoretical models and observational tests
Bohdan Novosyadlyj
The properties and observational manifestations of dynamical dark energy at cosmological and astrophysical scales will be discussed. We will consider the dynamical dark energy in the form of the quintessential and phantom scalar fields with different values of equation of state parameters and effective sound speed. The evolution of the dynamical dark energy and its impact on the dynamics of expansion of the Universe, halos and voids, its behavior in the static world of galaxies, in the vicinities of stars and black holes will be analyzed. The current state and possible tests designed for establishing of the nature of dark energy will be highlighted in the lecture.
Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, vol. 9, 166-177 (2019)
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