The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope

Rodolfo Silva Smiljanic

Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of Sciences

Session X: Poster session

Thursday 14th September 2023 12:00 – 13:00

This poster presents a summary of the planned properties of the Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST). WST is a planned 12-meter class telescope fully dedicated to multiobject spectroscopy. It is currently envisioned to be equipped with three instruments that can be operated simultaneously and observe a field of view of at least 2.5 square degrees. The low-resolution spectrograph is planned to have a multiplex of 20 000 and obtain data with continuous coverage between 370-970 nm with R=2000-7000. The high-resolution spectrograph is planned to have a multiplex of 2000 and observe 3 to 4 selected spectral regions in the optical region with R = 40 000. Moreover, an integral field spectrograph is planned to be mounted at the centre of the field of view covering an area of 3×3 arcmin squared. We are currently working on a detailed science case for such a facility. Registrations to join the science team are open for professional astronomers anywhere in the world.