Probing planet-star tidal interactions with precise transit timing of hotJupiters

Jan Golonka

Instytut Astronomii, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika

Sesja III: Układy planetarne i małe ciała

Wtorek 12.09.2023 13:30 – 13:45

Tidal interactions in stellar systems have been the subject of studies for decades. These interactions are predicted to be strong in systems with hot Jupiters, which are gas giants orbiting their host stars in extremely tight orbits. One of the outcomes of tidal interactions is transfer of orbital momentum from the planet to its host star, which could be observable by detecting the tightening of the planets orbit. Recent publications present testable predictions on this effect. In this talk I will present my work, that focuses on putting observational constraints on theoretical predictions of tidal interactions in promising systems. This is done by performing Transit Timing Variation analysis of observational data gathered from TESS, literature and ground observations, including new observations from Piwnice observatory.