Introduction to Cosmology
Introduction to Cosmology
Conference date: 15–25 July 2015
Location: Kielce, Poland
ISBN: 978-83-938279-2-3
Editors: Monika Biernacka, Katarzyna Bajan, Greg Stachowski i Piotr Flin
Volume number: 2
Published: December, 2015
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Introduction to Cosmology - Table of Contents
5 • Preface, Piotr Flin
9 • A brief description of my lectures on Cosmological Parameters, Guido Chincarini
15 • Spectral distortions and anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background, Gianfranco De Zotti and Mattia Negrello
51 • X-ray astrophysics and cosmology, Andrzej Sołtan
58 • A short introduction to numerical methods used in cosmological N-body simulations, Wojciech Hellwing
80 • An Introduction to SDSS and its Database, Jurek Krzesinski
85 • The Morphology of Galaxy Clusters, Elena Panko
89 • Galaxy properties, Agnieszka Pollo
101 • Dark matter more mysterious than expected, Joanna Jałocha
108 • Structure and Evolution of Galaxies, Tsutomu T. Takeuchi
125 • The Emission of Galaxies over the Whole Electromagnetic Spectrum, Denis Burgarella, Mederic Boquien, Yannick Roehlly, Laure Ciesla and Veronique Buat
134 • How to measure star formation rates in galaxies?, Veronique Buat