Towards the Local Group dipole measurement with Supernovae type Ia
Towards the Local Group dipole measurement with Supernovae type Ia
Chetan Bavdhankar
Together with our Local Group of galaxies, our Galaxy is moving towards nearby mass concentrations. Dipole observed in Cosmic Microwave Background is interpreted as the result of this motion. A similar dipole should be observed in the peculiar velocity of nearby galaxies. Such a dipole should be then observed in the distribution of local galaxies being supernova type Ia (SNIa) hosts. However, to make use of SNIa as the galaxy velocity field tracers, we need to account for a number of systematic errors. For this purpose, we create a set of mock catalogs of SNIa host galaxies from Millennium XXL simulation to assess its effect on the chances of recovery of the underlying galaxy velocity field. We present preliminary results of how realistic SNIa sampling affects the reconstruction of the galaxy velocity field based on them.
Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, vol. 10, 335-338 (2020)
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