Progress of the Cherenkov Telescope Array project in Poland
Progress of the Cherenkov Telescope Array project in Poland
M. Ostrowski, for the Polish Consortium of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Project, E.O. Angüner, S. Bajtlik, T. Balawajder, A. Barnacka, W. Bednarek, W. Bilnik, J. Borkowski, T. Bulik, S. Casanova, M. Cieślar, A. Durkalec, J. Dyks, S. Enrico, T. Gieras, T. Grabarczyk, M. Jamrozy, J. Kasperek, K. Katarzyński, W. Kluźniak, J. Kocot, M. Kuklis, K. Lalik, E. Lokas, E. Mach, A.J. Maciejewski, A. Majczyna, M. Marculewicz, J. Michałowski, R. Moderski, A. Niedźwiecki, J. Niemiec, M. Nikołajuk, A. Ozieblo, P. Paśko, A. Pisarski, A. Pollo, R. Pruchniewicz, R. Pyzio, P. Rajda, M. Rataj, L. Roszkowski, B. Rudak, K. Rutkowski, F. Salesa Greus, K. Seweryn, H. Siejkowski, J. Sitarek, A. Slowikowska, D. Smakulska, D. Sobczyńska, M. Sowiński, L. Stawarz, M. Sterzel, M. Stodulska, M. Stodulski, M. Suchenek, M. Szanecki, T. Szepieniec, R. Wawrzaszek, A. Wierzcholska, M. Więcek, P. Wojcik, A. Zagdański, A.A. Zdziarski, K. Ziętara and J. Ziółkowski
Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the project of a global astronomical observatory studying the Universe in very high energy gamma rays. The international CTA Consortium involves researchers from 32 countries from 5 continents. A large Polish Consortium of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Project is formed by 13 scientific institutions contributing to the project. The numerous proceedings of the Polish Consortium with designing and manufacturing prototypes of equipment intended for application in CTA, including the small Cherenkov telescope SST-1M and new technology mirrors for medium size telescopes (MST). For CTA, Poland provides large computing and data storage resources and contributes also into a number of other activities of the project.
Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, vol. 7, 343-348 (2018)
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